
  • A former Marine and his old war buddy face off against the Mexican cartel behind the disappearance o...
  • 在加勒比海,一个僻静的小岛屿,杰克逊和他的探险团队在水下洞穴挖掘失散多年的玛雅宝藏。深海潜水员突然意外的发…
  • A college freshman trying to get into a sorority discovers a dark secret about the house shes pledging for…
  •  野草、毒品、叶子、大麻,随便你怎么称呼它,美国与大麻的关系总是很复杂。在嘻哈先锋法布·5·弗雷迪(《Yo!…
  •   Walter Neff(弗莱德·麦克莫瑞 Fred MacMurray 饰)是一个成功的保险代理人,他在夜里回到办公室,开始在一…
  • <p>yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f>野草、毒品、叶子、大麻,随便你怎么称呼它,美国与大麻的关系总是很复…
  • 声色犬马的美国大都会纽约,夜幕降临,霓光艳影。某录音棚中,当红黑人黑人嘻哈歌手西珐(艾尔·汤姆森 Al Tho…
  • 纽约重案组第二季

    Licalsi is found guilty of the manslaughter of Marino and his driver and is given a two year sentence. Bec…
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